Watching NOVA makes me realized that we know so little of ourselves and the space that we live in.
On one side, we want to live as simple as possible. But on the other side, we are trying to understand the truth about life. How to balance these two desire forces is what cause confusions in our lives.
My solution to this problem is to disconnect from reality from time to time.
When I do that, I will feel good about myself (daydreaming is always good ).
But the drawback is, I will start to feel pressures from other people.
Because after all, “disconnected from reality” is the definition of being.....CRAZY!
And the solution to that is…disconnect from (ignore) those people as well.
All great scientists in history have one thing in common, they despise known reality and daydream a lot. I am basically the same, only I dream of totally different things!