1955 年法國男歌手 Gilbert Bécaud 唱了這首 Je t'appartiens, 歌詞裡複雜的情感描述看了會非常佩服法國人文詞的優美浪漫. 我摘取一小段歌詞的英文翻譯跟大家分享一下:
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
Please don't, please don't, please don't
There's no need to complicate because our time is short
This ~ oh this ~ this is our fate, I'm yours!
(全曲英文翻譯請看 http://lyricstranslate.com/en/i039m-yours-je-tappartiens.html-0)
Je t'appartiens 在1960年被翻譯成英文 Let It Be Me, 被許許多多的歌手翻唱過. 英文版最有名的是 1964 年 The Everly Brothers 的版本. 兩兄弟完美的合音讓這首歌聽起來格外舒服. 只可惜英文版在歌詞上被簡化了許多, 從複雜的愛變成了簡單的愛.