Cat Stevens 這張專輯的名稱叫 "Teaser and the Firecat", 也是他自己寫,自己畫的一本兒童書的書名. 1977年的 Fantastic Animation Festival 影展還有一部以 Teaser and the Firecat 為主題的短篇動畫參展. 畫的非常有趣而且有豐富的想像力. 當然片中有包含 Moon Shadow 這首歌.
Cat Stevens 在2009年接受訪問時談到他寫這首歌的動機 (那時他已經改信回教, 改名為 Yusuf Islam): "I was on a holiday in Spain. I was a kid from the West End (of London) - bright lights, et cetera. I never got to see the moon on its own in the dark, there were always streetlamps. So there I was on the edge of the water on a beautiful night with the moon glowing, and suddenly I looked down and saw my shadow. I thought that was so cool, I'd never seen it before."